The Best Juice to Stop Gout and Joint Pains for Good

According to the latest statistics, about 275 men and women out of every 100,000 in the United States has some degree of gout.

While those numbers may seem low, the seriousness of the condition cannot be overstated by its sufferers.

Modern science has developed numerous over-the-counter and prescription medications to treat gout.

But due to its innate properties and causes, natural remedies are often considered more effective and less harmful than the former.

What Is Gout and What Triggers It?

To combat the symptoms of gout, one must understand what it is and how it’s caused.

Gout, at its most basic level, is simply a type of arthritis that affects a singular joint at a time (usually).

It’s often very painful and comes or goes in what sufferers refer to as “flares”.  Commonly, it is the big toe joint that’s affected the most.

Photo by James Bold on Unsplash

Studies by the CDC explain that gout is typically caused by a condition called “hyperuricemia.”

This is where too much uric acid is present in the body, causing a build-up of acidic crystals in the joints and tissues.

In very rare cases, a patient with hyperuricemia will not develop gout or gout symptoms.

Unfortunately, there are a few things that can increase a person’s risk of developing hyperuricemia and subsequent gout:

1. Obesity – Defined as being at least 20 percent heavier than your ideal body weight (or BMI).

2. High blood pressure

3. Diabetes or insulin resistance

4. Congestive heart failure

5. Metabolism problems

6. Poor diet – known as “the rich man’s disease,” eating too much protein and too few fruits or vegetables is considered a poor diet for gout sufferers.

7. Kidney function

8. Diuretics – includes water pills and blood pressure medications.

9. Alcohol consumption

10. Fructose consumption

11. Purines – Purines are an organic compounds that is present in some modern-day foods. It breaks down into uric acid once digested by the body.

Foods that have dense concentrations of purines include:

  1. Red meat
  2. Tuna
  3. Sardines
  4. Mussels

16. Joint injuries

Main point:

Minimize your chances of developing hyperuricemia and/or gout by eating a nutrient rich diet that is free of purines, fructose and fat while scheduling regular chiropractic treatments.

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

What Are the Symptoms of Gout?

Gout flares usually happen without warning and can last for weeks. While it usually affects the big toe joint, a person’s ankle, knee or lesser joint can be affected as well.

Those who have gout are likely to experience an uncomfortable eb and flow of common symptoms which include things like:

  • Intense pain in the affected joint(s)
  • Extreme swelling
  • Vivid redness of the skin
  • Heat radiating from the area
  • Nausea
  • Low grade fever
  • Loss of appetite

Repeated, untreated gout flares eventually lead to gouty arthritis, a much more painful and more severe form of arthritis that worsens over time.

3 Ways to Treat Gout and Get Rid of Joint Pain for Good

Gout can negatively affect the quality of a person’s life in many ways, but over-the-counter and prescription medications are often too risky to consider.

Because gout develops in bodies that are not functioning properly, it makes more sense to fight gout naturally, avoiding the unnecessary side effects of pharmaceuticals.

Therefore, by fueling our bodies with healthy foods instead of potentially harmful medications, we provide it with the tools required to do a more efficient job.

Although there is no cure for gout yet, there are at least three self-directed methods that can help you treat and/or manage the condition without medication:

1. Get Physically Active

Experts say that people who are physically active are not only in better moods on average. But they’re also less likely to develop gout and/or joint pain (disclaimer: as long as they have good posture and avoid injury).

For those who already have gout, adequate physical activity can reduce the number of flare-ups.

2. See a Chiropractor

A well-trained chiropractor can help you manage the pain associated with gout by providing regular chiropractic adjustments and massage. In addition, good chiropractors can give you joint-supporting dietary advice as needed.

3. Eat the Right Foods

Some foods can trigger gout, but the right foods can help your body function properly.

Although eating whole foods is ideal for the fiber content, juicing provides a swift nutrient boost to the body by being a naturally delicious combination of several beneficial ingredients.

Why Juicing Works for Gout and Joint Pain

Juicing various fresh fruits and vegetables has numerous health benefits.

So it goes without saying that those suffering from gout would find juicing advantageous as well.

Because diet and weight are so closely tied to the development of hyperuricemia and gout.

Drinking a carefully formulated juice blend can provide quick joint pain relief without causing any negative side effects.

It may also serve as a healthy meal replacement in some cases, thereby helping with weight gain, obesity and subsequent spinal compression.

The best juice to stop gout and Joint Pain for Good

Each food has its own unique properties, so some juices are better than others.

The best juice recipe for gout and joint pain management boost the immune system, provide beneficial nutrient density and optimize body function while being healthy, hearty and delicious.

If you’re lucky, the juice will be easy and affordable to make like the following recipe.

Perk this one up however you see fit, just be sure it has these ingredients in it because many of them act as anti-inflammatories and/or antioxidants:

The ingredients

  • 6 cups seedless watermelon chopped
  • ½ cup mint leaves
  • 2 TBSP fresh lemon juice
  • 1 TBSP organic chia seeds
  • Filtered water ice cubes

The technique

  • Place ingredients into a blender or juicer.
  • Mix until you achieve the desired consistency.
  • Sprinkle with chia seeds to taste.
  • Refrigerate for about 15 minutes before serving.


This recipe is not only good for gout when its consumed regularly as a part of a joint-healthy diet but it’s also quite refreshing, especially during the summer months.

The ingredients serve as natural sweeteners too, which means this concoction is ideal for suffers of insulin resistance, diabetes, digestive problems, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

Furthermore, research shows that chia seeds and watermelon are effective treatment and prevention foods for gout flare-ups and joint pain caused by the acidic crystal build-up.


Photo by Christian Newman on Unsplash

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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