So now you’ve decided that you want to start juicing, but you have a big problem, time.
I mean, who has time for it.
Everybody seems to be lacking time in everything preparing for a healthy breakfast.
But fear, not I have a solution for you so you can start eating healthier and get in shape.
One of the best solutions for busy folks is knowledge of how to store juice.
It is possible to store it up to a few months, provided that you use the right type of container. And the right tool to extract fresh juice. Both of which I will discuss in this article.
Of course, the ideal way of consuming juice is by drinking it fresh out of the juicer within 20 to 30 minutes.
This method ensures that you get the most nutrients possible.
But spending 20 to 30 minutes every morning to prepare just isn’t possible for everyone. So the next best solution is to make larger batches and storing them in airtight containers.
Step 1: Pick Only The Freshest Produce (If Possible Go Organic)

When you shop for fruits and veggies in a grocery or farmers market, make sure to pick only fresh produce because not only these will yield more juice, but it will also give you better nutrition.
If possible, choose organic so you can be sure that what you buy is free from pesticides that could likely harm your health.
If you cannot afford to buy everything organic, you can refer to the dirty dozen and clean fifteen to help guide you in choosing which items to buy organic and which ones to buy conventional.
Some tips in choosing produce
When buying fruits like apple, make sure that the skin is firm. If it has soft spots avoid buying it because that is a sign that it isn’t fresh.
For leafy greens like kale, choose the greenest and firmest ones you can find, Avoid ones that are turning yellowish.
Step 2: Wash your produce thoroughly.
The last thing you want is to drink fresh juice full of dirt and pesticide because you didn’t wash it.
Even if you buy organic, you still have to wash it especially root crops like beet, celery, or tomato because these grow from the soil, and you don’t want dirt to go into your juice.
Washing involves soaking everything in a bowl of water filled with vinegar for at least 15 minutes, then rinsing it thoroughly afterward.
For stuff like apple, you can use a food-grade brush to scrub the surface. If you’re juicing oranges, make sure to remove the skin but leave the pith.
Step 3: If possible avoid chopping (or minimize it)
Chopping produce exposes its inner cell walls to air, and the decomposition process accelerates.
Notice that when you chop an apple, the inside turns brown in a matter of hours. That’s the oxidation process at work.
How do you avoid chopping when juicing?
Well, that would depend on the juicer that you will choose.
If you like to add lots of leafy greens into your juice, something like an Omega NC800 would be a great choice because you don’t need to chop.
Just stuff everything in the feed chute stem first and let the juicer do the work.
What I like about the NC800 is the large feed chute that lessens the need for chopping if you plan on adding fruit to your juice recipes.
Step 4: Choose the right juicer
Choosing the right type of juicer could be the difference between being able to store the juice for one day or three days.
The default option that most folks pick would be centrifugal juicer because it’s cheaper.
And it’s easier to use compared to a slow juicer. But when you look at the benefits of the latter, I think it’s a better investment.
How centrifugal juicer works?
Centrifugal juicers extract juice by using a filter with a blade underneath that spins at several thousand RPM.
This fast spinning action separates liquid from the pulp. While it takes less time to prepare juice, it also sucks in more air.
More air equals more oxidation, and you won’t be able to store it for long – a maximum of 24 hours.
How slow juicer works?
Slow juicers work on a different principle.
Instead of using thousands of rpm to force liquid out, these machines squeeze the juice out by crushing produce between a strainer and a slowly spinning auger.
An auger works like gears inside a meat grinder that slices and chops produce, slowly – between 45 and 80 RPM.
Very little air goes into the juice, and you’ll be able to store it longer.
There are different subsets of slow juicers – vertical and masticating.
I won’t go over this here one by one if you want more information about that, you can check out the detailed guide I’ve written about it.
Step 5: Store Juice In The Right Container
While you can store juice inside a plastic bottle, what I recommend is using a glass bottle with an airtight lid.
There are a few reasons.
The first reason is these bottles are airtight.
It means that once you fill it with juice and close the lid, not a whiff of air will touch the liquid until such a time you open it. If possible, fill it up to minimize air trapped inside.
Second, these bottles age well. And you don’t need to replace them as often as a plastic bottle.
You just have to be careful not to drop it.
Third, glass bottles don’t contain BPA and other chemicals that could be harmful to your health.
Lots of people debate about this.
One side says that drinking water from a plastic bottle isn’t harmful, while others say it is. Read both articles carefully, and you decide for yourself.
I wouldn’t want to risk it. I’m okay with spending a little bit on the right type of bottles because not only will they last, and you can also use it to serve your guest drinks.
Tip: Make sure to fill the bottle to the brim when you store juice to minimize the amount of air inside.
Step 6: Refrigerate
If you’re planning to make a large batch of juice, make sure to do this last step, which is storing it in a fridge.
After pouring juice into an airtight container like a Mason jar, make sure to store it in the fridge to extend the shelf life up to 72 hours.
If you’re planning on bringing juice to work, I’d suggest you invest in a good cooler to keep it fresh even on hot days.
Or you can freeze it.
Say you are busy and want to make a large batch of juice on an off day like Sunday, then you can make a huge batch, store it in a mason jar, or a BPA free plastic container, then put it in a fridge.
Freezing it can extend the shelf life of juice for a few months according to this article, but I would only suggest freezing as a last resort.
It’s something that you do when you don’t have time or in a busy season of your life.
Drink it as soon as you can
Whether you store it for three days or three months, keep in mind that drinking fresh juice is better because it’s fresher.
Also, drink it on an empty stomach (preferably first thing in the morning), so your body absorbs all the nutrients.
Remember that once you thaw something frozen or bring out a mason jar from the fridge, you’ll have to finish it within a few hours (again, the sooner you drink it, the better!) to avoid food poisoning and don’t leave it under the sun. Make sure your room is nice and cool.
To Wrap It Up
It is possible to juice even if you’re busy. The key is being strategic and has the right tools on hand to do the job. It means investing in the correct type of juicer for the job and some mason jars to store juice.
You can store juice up to 3 days if you use a slow juicer and refrigerate it. Freeze it, and you can save it for months. But I would not recommend the latter unless you have to access to a juicer.
With that in mind, here’s what you can do to maximize your efforts.
You do juice twice a week – once on a Sunday and a Wednesday (or Thursday). Make enough juice to last at least three days. You can store juice up to a fourth day, but make sure its refrigerated or it’ll spoil.
If you follow the tips here, then you won’t need to go through the entire prepping and cleaning process that can take up to an hour.
Let me know if this article is helpful to you. If it is, please do share your social media channels like Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. You can also follow me in those channels to get the latest updates. Hit me up in the comments section below or contact me if you have questions.
The reason why I’m inquiring how to make juice the proper way it because I was daignose of prediabetic, blood pressure, high cholesterol, and now I’m struggling joint pain and chronic pain I want to stop my prescription medication. Iam desperate to find proper way to make juice for my health problem pls. advice or response through email thank you.