Jamba Appliances 67901 Juicer Review: Largest Feed Chute Right Now

Jamba Appliances 67901 Juicer Review: Largest Feed Chute Right Now

Jamba Juice is a popular restaurant in the United States with over 875 locations all around the world.

Jamba Appliances 67901 Juicer Review

Buying a $10 juice will put a hole in your pocket, so why not do the next best thing?

The owners of Jamba Juice know this so made their juicer.

The Jamba Appliance 67901 has the largest feed chute at 3.5″ wide. Yes, that’s half an inch wider than any juicer out in the market today.

Having a wide feed chute means less chopping and more time savings.

But wait there’s more.

This juicer comes with a 5-year warranty! Longer than other large brands such as Breville and Cuisinart!

A quick look at the features

  • Has a 3.5″ feed chute – the widest available in the market today
  • The 1,100-watt motor has two speeds to maximize yield
  • Comes with a 34-ounce pitcher with froth separator
  • A full recipe book comes in the package to help you get started
  • BPA free pitcher, blade and strainer
  • 5-year warranty

The good

  • Long warranty
  • Huge feed chute means less chopping which is a time saver
  • All the components that the juice comes in contact with are BPA free
  • Nice silver finish
  • Large pulp catcher
  • Powerful motor

The bad

  • Very noisy
  • Not good at extract juice from leafy greens
  • You can’t store juice long because lots of air goes in

What to expect from the Jamba Appliances 67901 Extractor?

At first glance, the Jamba Appliances 67901 Extractor may look like any other centrifugal juicer. But it has some unique features not found in other extractors.

Large 3.5-inch Feed Chute

The first centrifugal I had a tiny feed chute that means I had to do a lot of chopping. I had to chop an apple into eights just to fit it in there. With this Jamba juicer, that will not be a problem thanks to the 3.5” feed chute.

It’s half an inch wide than any juicer available in the market – yes that includes the famous Breville.

What does this mean? Well, it means you can put an apple through the feed chute even without chopping. Don’t worry because the 1,100-watt motor would have enough torque to extract juice from it.

If you’re worried about bogging down the motor then just cut it in half. The seeds are almost a non-factor here because the blades will shred and not crush as it would in a masticating juicer. And the spin cycle forces juice out through the fine mesh filter.

Powerful Motor

At the heart of this machine is a powerful 1,100-watt motor that’s more powerful than the Breville 800JEXL. And here’s the thing, Jamba costs less than $70. The Breville costs close to $270, and it only comes with a 1-year warranty.

34 Ounce Pitcher

Out of the box, you’ll get a 34-ounce pitcher with froth separator. It isn’t huge, so if you don’t want constant pouring out the juice, you could buy a larger low profile Pyrex pitcher.

Large Pulp Catcher

The good news is the pulp catcher is much larger, and you’ll probably not need to empty it even if you make a few liters of juice.

One technique that some people use would be placing a plastic bag inside the catcher, so you don’t need to wash it afterward.

Full Recipe Book

If you’re not sure what to make, Jamba threw in a full-color recipe book to help you get started with making juice. Not only that, they’ll share ideas on what to do with the pulp.

Cleaning Tool

Cleaning up this extract will not be a problem thanks to the easy sweep cleaning tool that makes this task much more manageable.

Jamba says that you only need to use running water to clean it. If you want to clean it thoroughly, the blade and pitcher are dishwasher safe but only on the top rack.

5-year Warranty

Despite being considered a budget option juicer, Jamba didn’t hold back with the warranty. This juicer comes with a full 5-year warranty that’s four years longer than the much more expensive Breville. If you still think whether or not this juicer is worth it, the warranty alone should seal the deal.

This juicer will work best on

Hard and fibrous ingredients like celery, apple, cucumber, and the likes. If you’re the type, who likes to juice celery or carrot, this juicer is a great option.

But like any other centrifugal juicer, this will struggle to juice leafy greens. One trick that people use is to sandwich a leafy green rolled up, in-between two hard ingredients.

How long can you store juice?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to store juice for long because lots of air goes in the liquid.

It is another downside of centrifugal juicers, so making large batches of juice isn’t a good idea.

If you plan on storing a lot of juice, so you don’t have to make one every day then opt with a slow juicer.

It is the dilemma that you’ll face in choosing between these two types of juicers.

How much juice can you extract?

If you’re juicing stuff like celery and apple, this juice will extract a decent amount of juice, but it won’t beat a slow juicer or twin gear juicer on leafy greens.

The two-speed setting gives you a little bit of control. Use the low-speed setting when juicing stuff like strawberry or oranges and then switch to high on harder ingredients.

Is it easy to clean?

What makes this easy to clean is the cleaning brush that comes with it. It’s big and allows you to clean it in one sweeping motion.

You also have the option to place parts like the pitcher and filter in the dishwasher if you need a thorough cleaning.

Product Specification

Feed chute size and shapeRound

3.5" in diameter
(revolutions per minute)
Juice collector capacity
Pulp collector capacity
capacity not specified
Disk type Stainless steel
TypeCentrifugal juicer
Juice vegetables?
Juice fruits?
Cant it make nut butter?No
Can it make sorbet?No
Can it grind coffeeNo
Can it process foodNo
Dishwasher safe
Warranty5 years
Manufactured inN/A
Motor1,100 watts

What do consumers say?

Lots of consumers like this juicer because it’s cheap, have a large feed chute, and the 1,100 motor is more powerful than a Breville.

I’ve seen one video in Amazon where a whole apple fit in and juice came out without any issues whatsoever.

The 1,100-watt motor will be loud, but whether or not it’s too loud will be subjective. Some said that it was while others said it wasn’t.

One of the big reasons why this product has an excellent rating is the price. It is cheaper than a Breville that has less power and a shorter warranty.

Where can I buy this?

You can buy this juicer direct from Jamba Appliances website or in Amazon. Buying in Amazon would be much cheaper, and you have the option to get an extended warranty for up to 4 years.

One reason why I like buying in Amazon would be the 2-day free shipping courtesy of Amazon Prime. Even if you sign up for a free trial and opt out, you’d still get that benefit for a month!

To Wrap Up

Here’s another excellent option to the more expensive Breville. It has more power and will do as good a job when it comes to extracting hard stuff like apple, celery, and carrot. Not only that you’ll get a more extended warranty.

The 3.5” feed chute is half an inch wider than any other juicer available right now and lessens the need to cut. And the motor is powerful enough to juice a small apple without chopping.

Even if you’re juicing a large apple, chop it in two, and it’ll fit. So in a way, it saves you time because you don’t need to cut as much.

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